...you're not alone
6-Week Coaching Program
Are you struggling with chronic illness?

If you recently learned that you have a health condition that will significantly impact your life, then it’s natural to feel dazed and lost.
Even if you expected, or knew something was not quite right, actually hearing the words from a trusted source is shocking.
Talk about “the rug being pulled out from under you”, damn – I bet you feel like you were pushed out of a plane without a bloody parachute!
By now you’ve likely talked with people close to you about your ill-timed news, and of course, they too will be affected by your changing health. We both know you need their support, but there’s a niggling-ninny inside you that doesn’t want to burden them. Ugh, so there you are… feeling like a foreigner in your own life.
It’s hard to fathom just how profoundly your life is changing. Feeling alone and out of sorts is all consuming and overwhelming.
No doubt the road ahead will be rocky but… what if you could:
• Turn your life right-side up again, even with your new reality.
• Map your way forward and feel calm about your health circumstances.
• Find beauty and perks in this unwanted baggage.
It may not seem possible at the moment, but you can have all of this and more.
Did I hear you ask how?
That’s a reasonable question, and answers will differ depending on your unique situation.

If I were to give you the quick-and-dirty short answer it would look like this – BY:
• Exploring and mastering your new physical limitations and discovering how to live harmoniously with them.
• Finding new (and unconventional) ways to manage pain, fatigue and overwhelm that your doctors might be missing.
• Developing new mindsets and beliefs that will support you and effectively shift your consciousness.
The complexities of life-changing medical realities are uniquely different for everyone.
It’s your uniqueness the “Find Your Footing” 6-week coaching program takes into account. The focus is on you and only you. I work with you as a collaborative partner – not like “I have all the answers and know what’s best” type of guru. I know you know the difference.
If you truly want to take control of your life, as it is right now, then I can help you through the dark medical maze that lies before you.
What to expect

Whether by computer video call or phone (your choice), together, we will map out how to cope with, and conquer your current challenges. If, levels of physical pain are present then we address that first and foremost with a variety of effective pain management techniques. Comfort is essential to access clear thinking; the mind and body must be respected equally.
Our time together is private and geared to support you to move away from feeling overwhelmed and learn how to find your footing (metaphorically) on this unexpected health path.
You will be introduced to techniques and tools that I have crafted together by combining modalities such as self-hypnosis, NLP, energy systems and mindfulness. I personally find these helpful, however, we’ll design what works best for you. These techniques will assist you and build upon our scheduled sessions.
I am a therapeutic professional coach (BA, BSW) with additional certifications in specific areas to help people learn skills to ease physical pain, and breakthrough limiting mindsets that impact health and well-being.
Living with a progressive disease myself, I travel along a declining health path. So, I don’t do BS, nor do I have a quick fix, but I certainly have learned how to live well when unwell and I’d like you to learn how to do that too.
What is the cost?

Believe me, this is a path I know all too well and I welcome the opportunity to lessen your fears and help you find your way forward. The cost for the full 6-week program is $500.00. We can of course determine a fee best for you and payments are also an option.
If you are thinking – you already have good medical support and don’t need anything further, let me reassure you that I am not another medical professional to add to your growing roster. Our work together will compliment any support you’re currently receiving.
Allow me to help you get your pain under control and feel better about how you are feeling …however that may be.
As I said above, the road ahead will be rocky, I won’t candy-coat that reality. Although, when you consider time is our most valuable commodity in life, why would you waste it fumbling your way through the darkness of illness alone when you don’t need to? I am here to help; you don’t need to be alone.
How to get started

Let’s begin with a “Wee Chat” to talk about your unique situation and to see if we are a good fit for working together.
It is important for you to feel comfortable moving forward in this program first and foremost. If you decide that you want to take this coaching program after our call, then you be provided with links to provide payment online.
To get started, simply book a free-discovery chat with me and we’ll go from there!