
Good News for Deaf Community Communication

Video Relay Service for the deaf

Good news for the deaf community.  Video relay service, or VRS, is a service that enables people to have video conversations over the Internet, this is good news for deaf community communication ability. SRV Canada VRS is offered in Canada and is available in four languages, ASL/English and LSQ/French. It brings Deaf or Hard of Hearing people closer together with employers, friends, family, and service providers.

Accessible Communication

With SRV Canada VRS, everyone can communicate simply and effectively. Whether it’s a grandmother connecting with her grandchild, a friend calling to catch up, or someone placing a call to learn about a new government service. SRV Canada VRS empowers all Canadians to connect and share in powerful ways.

Canadian Administrator of VRS (CAV) is a not-for-profit corporation that has been mandated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to design, implement and oversee the delivery of video relay service (VRS) in Canada.

Established in 2015, CAV, its Executive Director; Sue Decker and its Board of Directors are responsible for providing service to end users in both American Sign Language (ASL) and langue des signes québécoise (LSQ).

How does it work?

Download the APP

person signing

Step 1:

Deaf or Hard of Hearing people login so they can contact who they wish to call, then sign their message.




Step 2:

The interpreter then speaks the message to the hearing person, then signs response from hearing person to the person who is deaf.

For Assistance or Information


Video: ASL or LSQ: Dial 9050 within the app.
Email: [email protected]
Mail: SRV Canada VRS Customer Service C/O Ivès Inc.
7240 rue Waverly,
Suite 205 Montréal,
Québec, H2R 2Y8
Telephone:  English and French: 1-800-958-5856

Watch the video:



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