If you have an aging parent, then you will definitely benefit from listening to our interview with Rhonda Caudell, who is a self-styled expert in dealing with the aging parent.
This interview is chocker-block full of great advice about a topic, that for many adult carers can be an emotional nightmare.
Sandwich Generation
For more than twenty years, Rhonda worked as a registered nurse and certified case manager specializing in geriatrics.
Her role was to help seniors plan their aging years and manage their changing health needs.
Like many of us, she also became a member of what is termed ‘the sandwich generation’. While working full time and juggling the responsibilities of family life, Rhonda also became the care provider for her own aging parents.
According to Rhonda, learning first hand what it feels like to try and help an aging parent who ignores your input, was a real eye-opener. It was frustrating to find her expertise fell on deaf ears.
A gap exists between the aging parent and the adult child.
Push Back
The biggest challenge is getting aging parents on board to collaborate and map out a practical plan. A senior’s desire to be independent can result with push-back, even though adult children simply want the best for their parents. This can lead to a lot of frustration.
Rhonda decided to work out what was missing. Over time she came up with some strategic steps that work to bridge the collaboration – and help with this important life stage.
Let’s face it, adult children want to help their parents live a fulfilling life during their aging years.
Rhonda decided to redirect her career to create Endless Legacy – a resource aimed to educate adult children on how to successfully collaborate with aging parents to design an aging forward plan.
Since launching Endless Legacy, Rhonda has written many articles on the subject of the aging parent, been interviewed on TV, and delivered workshops.
As a passionate educator, Rhondda helps carers prevent crisis situations from occurring. ‘Let’s wait and see’ is not a good approach to care planning in any situation.
On her website, there are several valuable resources freely available to assist people who are struggling to form a concrete plan to help their parents through their aging journey.
It all begins with a proper start, and to that end, Rhonda is generously providing for listeners a download of her step-by-step action plan entitled “Have The Dreaded Aging Parent Talk With Ease”.
For adult children looking to free themselves from overwhelm, confusion and worry, Endless Legacy is an oasis.
Why not take the Aging Parent Quiz to see where you’re at in this journey with your aging parent.
Or, if you need support with an aging parent with Dementia check out Dementia Distress Relief and download Rhonda’s guide and learn about its supporting Facebook group.
Aging Parent
Rhonda Caudell is a wonderful resource for anyone struggling with the challenges associated with an aging parent.
Website: https://www.endlesslegacy.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EndlessLegacy.TheAgingParentExpert/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/agingparenthelp
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/endlesslegacylc/videos
Music credit –
Living Well Today intro and outro music:
More Love and Happiness
is provided courtesy of Canadian singer/songwriter, Clela A Errington.