LWT 018: Molly Gordon: Joyfully Real

Molly Gordon never meant to become a life coach – it happened by accident, and certainly wasn’t something she purposefully set out to do.

During her work career, she’d developed an eclectic set of skills, and by the late 90’s she’d worked as an editor, writer, business manager, and full-time mixed media artist.

Getting started as a coach just happened when she agreed to help a few friends with their businesses, and from there it grew into a regular thing.

Molly wasn’t sure what to call her new vocation until someone mailed her a copy of a Newsweek article on “coaching”.

What Is Coaching Anyway?

Even though I never played team sports, I understand the importance of the role of a coach. A coach sets the barometer for its team and brings out the best of each individual player. In short, a coach provides consistent leadership and helps others while doing so.

The ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process, one that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Molly trained with the ICF and holds its highest professional credential.

She also works with and teaches about The Three Principles , and, as Molly puts it, she’s also trained in some ‘other spiritual rodeos’ too.

I’ve followed Molly Gordon’s writings since my university days (yes, that’s a long while back), and I can attest to benefiting from her action-oriented pearls of wisdom.

One thing I really value about Molly’s writing and video posts is her authenticity – she poses thought-provoking questions and does not claim to have all the answers. She’s also a ‘you’ve got spinach in your teeth’ kinda gal – a no BS, straight shooter!

You can always count on Molly to show her playful side of life too.



Being Real

I was especially moved when Molly wrote a very personal blog post about being diagnosed with breast cancer. Molly also shared her experience through a dedicated online cancer journal.

Her comments were raw – she wrote about what she was experiencing and how she felt about the health care system and the support she was receiving in dealing with this very challenging health issue.

Molly’s writing has always contained a strong thread of appreciation for others. Her cancer journal was no different.

I loved her attention to detail – how she noticed that ‘the gowns were neatly pressed’ and, also, how she acknowledged the kindness bestowed upon her by technicians and medical professionals.

Her description of the radiation process was vivid and gut-wrenching – so much so that I realized I would not be able to endure the procedure. Laying flat on my back, for any length of time, without the support of my breathing ventilator is, sadly, just not possible for me.


A Good Run

Everyone’s experience with cancer is unique.

As far as breast cancer is concerned, no woman wants to think about having to undergo a double mastectomy. In addition to being a very frightening and radical procedure, it can severely impact your self-image.

In Molly’s case, however, she remarks that “I had good tits and they’d had a good run”. Although stated with humour, I felt the self-compassion of that personal statement.

Admitting that, at times, the ‘pain just sucked big time’ and at that, her mood was very low, Molly tried to keep her mind and heart open. Being aware of her thoughts in the moment and knowing that’s all they are, removed the need for drama and despair. As she put in – she did not need to get on the survivor bus.

These days Molly continues her coaching work and enjoys her grandchildren, gardening, and calls herself a joyfully compulsive knitter. From what I’ve seen, her creations are as colourful as she is!


Molly Gordon has a zest for life that really shines through, she’ll always be someone I look up to.

Molly Gordon

Website: https://shaboominc.com

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Music credit –
Living Well Today intro and outro music:
More Love and Happiness 
is provided courtesy of Canadian singer/songwriter, Clela A Errington.

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When it comes to living with health challenges, much learning is accomplished through experience, and sharing that experience is of great value to others. Join Living Well coach, Susan Wheeler-Hall and listen to interviews and insights aimed to inspire and ignite living well no matter what is going on in your life.

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Music Credit

Living Well Today intro and outro music, More Love and Happiness,
is provided courtesy of Canadian singer/songwriter, Clela A Errington.

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