LWT 028: Ryan Conlan – Upside of Dyslexia

Ryan Conlan Living Well Today Dyslexia

Upside of Dyslexia

Ryan Conlan is living proof that there is an upside of dyslexia. Like all learning disabilities, dyslexia is a hidden disability. It is noticeable when a person is in a regular educational learning situation. Learning in traditional education institutes tends to place reading as a base source and this is where dyslexia can impede one’s path to learning.

When you talk with adults who have dyslexia you hear a variety of life stories but all share the experience of struggling in the school system. Services have come a long way. Now, if a student is fortunate enough to receive early testing to arrive at a diagnosis, then support is available. In most situations, or at least in many, accommodations are offered to better fit the student’s learning styles and needs.

Confidence Counts

In his interview on Living Well Today, Ryan shared his challenges and determination. Training in fitness appeared to be a big help and a confidence builder. One of the things that struck me about Ryan was his ability to transfer his learning successes. Knowing that fitness repetition and maximizing integral improvements are key to success, Ryan challenged his learning abilities in a similar manner.

Changing his internal conversation about his learning abilities helped to set a forward-moving path. He challenged himself to read 5 pages a day and understand how he learns best.


Ryan has an impressive list of academic achievements by any standards from his home country of Ireland, as well as participating in studies in both the US and Canada. Since graduating earlier this year with first-class honours and distinction, Ryan had the opportunity to deliver a TedX talk in Dublin in Oct.


COVID-19 has impacted just about everything across the globe and large public gatherings like a TedX talk is no exception. Fortunately, virtual events have become somewhat of a norm this year, and this allowed Ryan to deliver his exceptional talk entitled: The Secret Upside of Dyslexia: Not a Disability but a Superpower.

For anyone coping with the challenges of dyslexia, this talk could be a game-changer. Listening to Ryan’s perspective of dyslexia is refreshing and inspiring. In a nutshell, he has come to believe his diagnosis of dyslexia has happened for him and not to him. When one can look at things from a view of “for”, then strengths can be discovered.

Ryan Conlan TedX talk dyslexia

If you have a disability of some kind, do you consider the strengths it brings to your life experience? They are there if you venture to look for them.

To learn more about Ryan Conlan:

Twitter @ryanwconlan
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHJAwHVOMjmVM6aDxddQ9dg/videos

P.S. Ryan’s TedX talk is not yet available online

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